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ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - Project : US 31 Sewer Upgrades

September 25, 2024

General Notice
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians (Owner), a federally recognized Indian Tribe, is soliciting bid proposals from qualified firms for professional services associated with the following project: US31 Sewer Upgrades

General Notice
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians (Owner), a federally recognized Indian Tribe, is soliciting bid proposals from qualified firms for professional services 
associated with the following Project: US31 Sewer Upgrades

Bids for the construction of the project will be received at:

Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
2608 Government Center Dr., Manistee, MI 49660
Attn: Utility Department BID Enclosed US31-2024 

Due by Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 2:00 PM ET
At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read

The project includes the following work:
Connecting to an existing 8” force main and extending the force main to connect to the existing
gravity sewer system approximately 575’ from the connection point. The remaining section of
the force main is to be properly cut, capped, and abandoned in place.

Information and bidding documents for the project can be found at the following designated website: